Brief 1 - Ironclad
Proposition: An Ironclad cast iron pan is a non-stick pan that lasts.

Brief 2 - Removery
Proposition: Removery tattoo removal means nothing needs to be permanent.

Brief 3 - Ancestry DNA
Proposition: Find the real you with Ancestry DNA.

Brief 4 - RSPCA
Proposition: Keep your house cat in the house with help from the RSPCA Indoor Cat Guide.

Brief 5 - LIFX
Proposition: Control your mood with LIFX smart lightbulbs.

Brief 6 - Flavedo & Albedo
Proposition: Cosmetics shouldn’t come packaged in single-use plastic

Brief 7 - Bumble
Proposition: Bumble is the dating app that empowers women with every connection.

Brief 8 - Tesla
Proposition: Get EV sceptics to reconsider whether an EV is right for them.

Brief 9 - Exceptional Alien
Proposition: Curators of culture are now your travel guides.

Brief 10 - Product Innovation
Proposition: Come up with a product or business idea to further the objectives of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children.