Ubank set their sights on being the best bank for young people in Australia. In an industry with low levels of consumer trust, Ubank needed to establish itself as a player that would actually put their customers first.

Brand Proposition​​​​​​​
See money better. Do money better.
Money is something you do, not just something you have. Learning how is part of the journey to independence. 
Ubank offers better visibility to young people in a busy digital world, where they have to do more with comparatively less than previous generations. 
Once you can see your money clearly, Ubank supports your goals with tools and insights that help you form daily habits to improve your relationship with money.
From starting out, to buying property - Ubank evolves with you to help you do money better every day. 
Brand voice
A voice to support daily success with money for anyone.
The Ubank brand voice is built on three tonal pillars that can combine or stand on their own, allowing the brand to flex its unique tone of voice in diverse spaces and contexts. 
Delightfully Practical
We bring magic into everyday money moments, anticipating needs in ways that make it fun and simple to use money. Our fairy bread and butter is turning functional necessities into delightful experiences.

Savvy Style
We find relatable, clever and cheeky ways to bring a little craftiness to the money game. Our vibe is finance, but make it fashion. We get a little silly, celebrate wins and make people feel good about the ways they use money.
Bright Ambition
We help people dream bigger with their money and find destiny in every dollar. Can’t isn’t in our vocabulary. Our goal is to bring positivity into everyday money, giving people more ways to succeed and plan ahead.

Interactive tools to help Ubank employees find the right tone of voice

Design System
Ubank leads with visibility to give you confidence with money. 
Dive into money details. Zoom out and see the bigger picture for your finances. 
On every level, Ubank gives you focus on the way you use money and the decisions you make to achieve your goals.
The design language iterates on this idea through graphics, motion, colour and typography, to complement a brand voice built on doing and dreaming with money.
Adding depth to brand assets
Adding depth to brand assets
Adding rotation to brand assets
Adding rotation to brand assets
Type on a path
Type on a path
Brand Photography
Ubank's photography style is visually distinct from competitors and evokes all the ways Ubank customers use their money. Combining unmanicured lifestyle imagery and slightly surreal product imagery, Ubank's photography elevates the brand in a way that feels genuine and reflective of the people who use it.
Brand Guidelines
To support the ongoing implementation of Ubank's brand, we delivered a digital brand book including a style guide for how to employ tone of voice and design together for consistency, motion and illustration principles, brand colour, typography, graphics and a brand language archive.
Card carriers for shared accounts
Card carriers for shared accounts
Card carriers for lost or stolen card replacements
Card carriers for lost or stolen card replacements

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